

Sunday, November 11, 2007

VA Repubs Reassess

Today's Post has a piece chock full of hand-wringing by VA republicans about what went wrong in last Tuesday's elections. (Short answer: lots -- the R's lost the Senate and several House seats). What message the people are sending to the R's (other than we've had enough for now) has provided much fodder for us here at DCPN as well as for others. We continue to think the good folks of Virginia spanked the repubs for straying from core principles, most notably for their willingness to go along with tax increases, and we have taken issue with the Post for suggesting otherwise. But in today's piece, the Post cites repub senators in VA who seem to get it, like Senator Ryan McDougle:

McDougle and other GOP leaders say it's time for the party to hone its principles, refocusing on controlling taxes and spending while developing new ideas for transportation, education, health care and controlling growth.

Let's hope!

UPDATE: The Right-Wing Liberal has an excellent post suggesting the repubs in VA are blithely ignoring the lessons of recent elections. Yesterday, they nominated Rob Wittman for Congress down in Hampton Roads. As a delegate in the VA legislature, Wittman supported Gov Kaine's huge transportation tax increases. Yikes!!

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